Mon 27 Jan
Dream Your Latin desire spanish naughty &superfreak;😍😙2for 1 8O$ucan stop👀👀💦💦👌👍👏💪👯😝 - 20
(Bronx, incall Whiteplains Rd)
In & Outcall ~ 2 Japanese Young Model-girls = FUN, New arrived BBY! - 20
(Burnaby / New Westminster, Vancouver, Vancouver, Metrotown, DT, Richmond)
🌟 DrOp DeaD GorGeOus 👑 👯Sexy LatIn ρℓαγmαtε 🎆👑 ✅A Rεαl MαñS ChoÍce✅ 😘💋💄$$SpEciALs$ - 24
(Bronx, Brooklyn, East Side, Manhattan, North Bx - IncallS - #2/5, Westchester)
💕💎 European Busty Blonde 👸🏼 💎💕 100% ME OR ITS FREE!! 😘😘 - 22
(Delta / Surrey / Langley, University dr & 104th ave (Surrey), Vancouver)
Burnaby NEW OPENING💘 ALL Menus 💘 First Time💋💋💋 NEW FACE💋💋💋 INCALL & OUTCALL 💋💋💋 100% PIC - 20
(Burnaby / New Westminster, BURNABY INCALL & OUTCALL 24/7, Vancouver)
*___ _ __. BRAZILIAN . _ _. ...LATINA. KAYLA AND ROSALY....TODAY COLO M BIANA .._L A T I N A _ ___ ____. _COLOMBIANA_ _ _ - 25
(Bronx, Fairfield, New Rochelle..Westchester or Stamford,, Other, Westchester)
💦💋👅dripping dominican freak only in town for a week ,experience pleasure peak👀🔥👌 - 19
(290 outcalls and incalls beltway 8, City of Houston, Houston)
《♥》DoN't MisS ((·)) My Friday afTer WORK SpEciAlz (♥)($$$)(♥) THiS wILL NoT LaST!!! - 22
(Bronx, Crotona incalls only)
ASIAN ♥ ful l ♥ b0d y ♥ MaSSaGE - 24
(Little Rock, North LR incall only my place)
Chantel Canns 34 N Cup Biggest Canns Hot Busty Xoxo - 40
(Delta / Surrey / Langley, Surrey vancouver, Vancouver)
▆ ▇ █◆CLICK_ME!!!◆ █ ▇ ▆ ▅ ▄ ▃ ▂ ◆♥ CALL_ME!!! ♥◆ ▂ ▃ ▄ ▅ ▆ ▇ █ MEET❤ ME!! █ ▇ ▆ ▅-AVAIL NOW!! - 24
EBONY BARBIE DOLL. . . . GFE/ NO RUSH!!! _ _ _ NeW 2 HoUSToN _ _ _ SPeCiALS _ _ _ - 21
CHLOE -- -Jamaican $tallion ready for u chloe specials all day Sunday call now in/out - 23
(Little Rock, Little rock WR U R)
💖💖» ★DING!! ★DING!! ★DING!!💖💖 »——» ★ (((((((((( J A C K P O T !!)))))))))) ★ - 23
(Bronx, Bronx/Sourrounding Areas OUTCALLS)
Bronx Cutie *** 80 Rose Specials *** Private In-calls ** Never Ruhed ** Extra Tight!!! 100% Real - 25
(Bronx, East 182nd, Prospect)
💞💞🌟🌟🌟So AdOrAbLe ✨AmAzinG SkillS✨VerY AddiCtiVe ✨ATF💞💞✨✨ - 24
(East Bay, Brentwood•Pittsburg•Antioch)
😍🔥🔥 Smoking Hot Busty Beauty Ready For Fun 100% REAL🔥🔥😍 - 25
(East Bay, Union city and surrounding areas)
Brazilian ▃▃▃▃L ▃▃▃▃ A ▃▃▃▃ T ▃▃▃▃ I ▃▃▃▃ N ▃▃▃▃ A ▃▃▃▃ 💟 ▃▃▃▃▃ R ▃▃▃▃ E ▃▃▃▃ L ▃▃▃▃ A ▃▃▃▃ X ▃▃▃▃ - 26
(Bronx, Westchester, 💟 NEW ROCHELLE , NY 💟)
**** BRaND NeW FiRST TiME LaTiNA***** AVaILaBLE NoW!!!!!!! 80 SPECIALS**** - 20
(Bronx, bronx incalls only no outcalls)
BOOTY 2 BIG SUMMER TOUR feat GUCCI ASSWELL &59" Big Booty! LEAVING SOON! They ain't got nun on me! - 29
(Little Rock, NORTH LITTLE ROCK* I'm Here* 60spcl)
Distcreet 😘 Outcalls 💍🎂🍰 Party/420 🎂🍰💍 BACHOELORS BestFriend 💍💍 FËtïSh💋📞Call NOW💯 - 22
(Brooklyn, I come to you 🚗🚙Outcalls)
beautifull puertorican and italian DOING OUTCALLS 3473862372 jenny - 23
(Bronx, bronx and surrounding areas)
❤️ $100 HORNY Spring Special!❤️ Tight & Tasty❤️ Juicy Sweet.❤️ S@uirt D##pthr0@t - 22
(Langley Walnut Grove in/out, Vancouver, White Rock)
§ E x O t I C C u T i E T i G h T J u I c Y & R e A d y T o G o § - 27
(290 area/Outcall Houston)
🌟 Early Morning Specials 🌟•THiCK •N• SeXY ☆ VoLuPTuoUs PRiNcEsS •☆• GoOD GiRL ☆ GoNe BaD BIG BOOTY - 25
(Bronx, Outcalls)
Bounce this 60Pretty Fat 80Ass! Gushyy 💦💦juicy Sweet Chocolate Sexy Asss★ Call Me So I Can Make it Juicy4U ★ Chocolate Exotic - 22
(Bronx, (INCALLS) Parkchester LELAND AVE Tremont)
*=DToWN'S FiNeST MiXXd DeSSeRT =* HaPPy FReaKy FRiDaY=LeT'S GeT FreaKy ToGeTHeR =HoT OuTCaLL SpCLS=* - 25
(Houston, OuTCaLLS OnLY)
Bomb hot Latin mix outcall ONLY 38 Ddds Habla espanol - 27
(Bronx, depending where u at the donation varies, Downtown, East Side, Manhattan, Midtown East, Midtown West, Upper Manhattan, West Side)
sexy smooth banging body freak..all real **$100 special*** - 26
(antioch,pitts,concord,walnut creek (925), East Bay)
(Little Rock, lr,nlr private residential incall)
* * Sexy Playful Southern Blonde Beauty! * * 120 Special * * - 23
(East Bay, Fremont, Newark, Union City)
💦💦💦 ❤️❤️❤️ Sexy NiCARAGUAN Mami! True Hourglass figure! DD's Big BOOTY! 💦💦 ❤️❤️❤️ - 23
(East Bay, In/Out San Pablo/Berkeley/Oakland)
Big Booty, & Juicy Lips in Town for the morning Special $50 Incalls only !!! - 22
(Bronx, Birchall ave . Sagamore .bronx park east)
[ BLONDES ]] 100 Dollar Specials Today! ❤ [[ DO ❤IT ]] ❤ [[BETTER ]] - 21
(north little rock)
During Work Hours ! ! ! BeauTifuL LaTinO PlayMaTe >> (( Early Morning Specials )) - 23
Dynamite $60 Sk ills===((((SWEE T * SEXY * EXOT IC * EBONY * PL AYGIRL))))===Dy namite $60 Skil ls - 26
(Houston, +45/North@Beltway=8+Incalls&Outcalls;)
*=DTown'S FiNeST MiXXd DeSSeRT=*= So HoT=*= So SPiCy=*= NeW HoT PiCS=*= SWeeT OutcaLL SPcLS=*= - 25
(Houston, All over Houston Out)
Beauty, $weet,exotic,fanastys,@yr fingertips /in call olny!!!! - 24
(Little Rock, little rock off main)
=*DTowN'S FiNeSt MiXXd DeSSeRt=* A HoT&SPiCy; DiSH=* GeT SoMe WHiLe it'S HoTT=* W!Ld OutCl SpCls=* - 26
(Houston, All Over HouSton OutCalls ONLY)
~DToWN'S FiNeST MixXd KiTTeE~ So SWeeT but Yet So N@uGhTy~ CaN U MaKe Me PuRR? ~HoT OuTCaLL SpCLS~ - 26
(Houston, OuTCaLLS OnLY)
don't be fooled by fakes .... BEST girl on here .... what you see is what you get !!!! OUTCALLS - 22
(Bronx, East Side, Manhattan, Midtown West, Upper Manhattan, West Side)
▃▃▃▃▃▃ BLUESKY ASIAN ♡ ❤❤ ♡ Best BODY WORK ♡ ❤❤ ♡ GRAND OPENING!! ▃ASIAN▃▃▃▃▃▃▃ - 22
(Midtown West, ❤Midtown 31st ❤❤ 646-342-7253 ❤ ❤❤)
dominicans and white girl tonight40$/50$ special we available now - 24
(Bronx, 1025 Boynton ave bronx 10472 train 6 eld)
Sexy 😍😘 Snow ❄ Bunnii 🐰 Thick & Blonde 100$ special - 21
(East Bay, East Oakland incall & outcall, Oakland)
•°=DoN'T MiSS OuT! °•=THe FiNeST MiXXd KiTTeE In The CiT¥!!= So SWeeT But YeT So N@UGHTy!=•° - 24
(Houston, «$$80 OutCaLL $PcL$ 4a LimiteD Time!!»)
===> Early Bird SPECIALS AVAILABLE NOW ____ SEXY pUERTO rICAN ___ Early Bird Specials
(Clear lake/Nasa Area/Hobby)
========== ** AvAiLaBlE ** AvAiLaBlE ** AvAiLaBlE ** At ** My ** PlAcE! ========== - 30
(My house OR yours!)